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Very Narrow Aisle Racking System in Dubai, UAE

  • VNA Racking is operated with VNA forklifts, people can reach any pallet at any time with a forklift.
  • Aisle Width is 1700mm minimum between pallets.
  • Advantages: saving space since the aisles are very narrow, the forklifts moves along rails, avoiding to hit the racking.

What is Very Narrow Aisle Racking Systems?

Very narrow aisle (VNA) racking system is a type of storage solution used in warehouses and distribution centers to maximize storage capacity while minimizing the required floor space. The VNA racking system is designed to make the most of the vertical space in a facility by allowing for very narrow aisles between the rows of racks.

The aisles in a VNA racking system are typically only wide enough to accommodate a narrow-aisle reach truck or an automated guided vehicle (AGV) that can operate in a highly precise and controlled manner. This allows for more efficient use of the available floor space, as more racks can be packed into a given area.

The VNA racking system is often used in conjunction with other automation technologies such as conveyor systems, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), and warehouse management systems (WMS) to create a highly efficient and streamlined storage and retrieval process. The system is best suited for operations that require high-density storage, fast access to inventory, and quick turnaround times.

Benefits of Very narrow aisle racking system

The very narrow aisle (VNA) racking system offers several benefits to businesses that require high-density storage solutions. Some of the key benefits of the VNA racking system include:

  • Increased Storage Capacity: The VNA racking system allows for more storage capacity within the available floor space by utilizing the vertical space more efficiently. This means businesses can store more inventory within the same footprint, reducing the need for additional warehouse space.
  • Improved Efficiency: With a VNA racking system, inventory can be stored and retrieved quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and labor required for these tasks. This can lead to increased productivity and reduced operational costs.
  • Better Inventory Management: The VNA racking system allows for better inventory management by improving the accuracy of inventory tracking and reducing the risk of errors. This can lead to better inventory control, reduced inventory holding costs, and improved customer satisfaction.
  • Increased Safety: The VNA racking system is designed to be very secure, with features such as specialized pallets and safety rails to prevent accidents. This can improve worker safety and reduce the risk of damage to inventory.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: The VNA racking system is highly customizable and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of a business. It can be designed to accommodate a wide range of products and inventory types, making it a versatile storage solution.
  • Reduced Costs: The VNA racking system can help businesses save money by reducing the need for additional warehouse space and minimizing operational costs. It can also reduce the need for labor and equipment, which can lead to further cost savings.

Overall, the VNA racking system offers a range of benefits to businesses that require high-density storage solutions, including increased storage capacity, improved efficiency, better inventory management, increased safety, enhanced flexibility, and reduced costs.

Very narrow aisle racking system Features

The very narrow aisle (VNA) racking system has several features that make it unique and highly efficient for high-density storage solutions. Some of the key features of the VNA racking system include:

  • Narrow Aisles: The VNA racking system features narrow aisles between the racks, typically ranging from 1.5 to 2.0 meters wide. This allows for more storage capacity within a given floor space.
  • Specialized Trucks: VNA racking systems require specialized narrow-aisle reach trucks that can operate in the narrow aisles with high precision and control. These trucks often feature elevated cabs that allow operators to see over the racks and navigate safely.
  • High-Density Storage: The VNA racking system is designed for high-density storage, with racks that can reach heights of up to 12 meters or more. This maximizes the use of vertical space in a warehouse or distribution center.
  • Wire Guidance System: To ensure the narrow-aisle reach trucks can operate safely and efficiently within the narrow aisles, VNA racking systems often feature a wire guidance system that guides the truck along a predetermined path.
  • Specialized Pallets: To ensure compatibility with the VNA racking system, pallets used in VNA storage typically have specific dimensions and features, such as flat bottoms and reinforced corners.
  • Safety Features: The VNA racking system is designed with several safety features, such as safety rails, anti-collapse mesh, and sensors that detect obstructions in the aisle.
  • Automation Capabilities: The VNA racking system can be integrated with other automation technologies such as conveyor systems, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS), and warehouse management systems (WMS) to create a highly efficient and streamlined storage and retrieval process.

Overall, the VNA racking system’s features enable businesses to maximize storage capacity, increase efficiency, and improve safety in their warehouse or distribution center.